Saturday, October 09, 2010

Lettuce(Name in Malay : Selada/ Name in Cantonese : Sang Choy)

Its benefits :
(a)Lowering risks of cancer, heart diseases, cataract and stroke
(b)Good for cell growth
(c)Prevention of arteriosclerosis
(d)Induces sound sleep

It contains folic acid, vitamin B, vitamin C and vitamin E.

Long Bean(Name in Malay : Kacang Panjang/ Name in Cantonese : Tau Kok)

Its benefits :
(a)Healthy development of eyesight
(b)Improvement of the thinking process
(c)Good for formation of bones and teeth, muscles and skin

It contains vitamin A, vitamin B and vitamin C and is also an antioxidant.

Friday, October 08, 2010

Females normally, getting up early in the morning and brushing your messy yet long hair...
Well, do you know that besides just keeping your hair look tidy, there is actually a secret behind the brushing.

Mothers usually instruct their daughters to brush their hair before going to bed or even getting up. Well-behaved girls were well rewarded, their hair did indeed shine attractively.

The facts for this is that brushing stimulates oil glands in the scalp, making the hair shiny and also it helps to eliminate dandruff and dust that would otherwise make the hair look unattractive.

Note : Although brushing your hair might make you look good, but overdoing it will do more harm than good, thinning the hair and splitting the ends.

Wednesday, October 06, 2010

Each day we meet different people...
We recall the people we met by their looks and names
We tend to forget names easily

It is common to most of us and is embarassing. Usually, we can enormous details about a person whose name we forget such as the person's nationality or perhaps an occupation. The harder we try to remember, the more mysterious the name becomes.

Most people can recall precisely what they are doing when they heard the death news of their dearest ones. Most students could remember love affairs than their studies. This proves that high emotion is definite a memory aid.

We can remember one face among thousands, but it seems the process of identification works in the opposite. Example, shows the face of a well known person, say, Albert Einstein. The first response might be "He is a great scientist" or "That man is a genius". If we could recall it, the name comes next.

The brain stores information about names in separate department. To unlock that, we have to go through the others. People suffering from brain damage sometimes lose particular functions. A patient was able to divide a pile of photographs into groups of famous and unfamous people but he had the greatest challenge in naming any of them.

Note : Try to look for your school class photos. You could easily remember your classmates' personalities but not the names.

Tuesday, October 05, 2010

Pea(Name in Malay : Kacang Ercis/ Name in Cantonese : Ho Lan Tau)

Its benefits :
(a)Healthy development of the eyes
(b)Lowers cholesterol levels
(c)Required for the development of healthy skin
(d)Lowers risks of cancer, cataracts, heart diseases and stroke

It contains folic acid, vitamin B and vitamin C, fibre, zinc and iron.

Pumpkin(Name in Malay : Labu Merah/ Name in Cantonese : Kam Kua)

Its benefits :
(a)Lowers risks of stroke, cataracts, cancer and heart diseases
(b)Helps to maintain healthy eyes

it contains amino acids, vitamin C and vitamin E, carotenes, lutein and zeaxanthin.

Monday, October 04, 2010

Pork Rib Soup with Water Chestnut, Soybean and Carrot

You must have(ingredients) :
10 - 15 water chestnuts
3 ounces of soybeans
3 ounces of carrot
10 ounces of pork rib

Methods :
(1)Wash the pork rib and put it into boiling water for a few minutes
(2)Take up the pork rib and drain it until no water is remained on it
(3)Wash the soybeans
(4)Peel and wash the water chestnuts
(5)Peel and wash the carrot
(6)Cut the carrot into big pieces
(7)Put all ingredients into a big pot of boiling water
(8)Boil it for 2 hours with low fire

Stewed Chicken with Fungus and Dried Longan Soup

You must have(ingredients) :
1 ounce of dried white fungus
1 ounce of dried longans
1 spring chicken(small)
4 red dates

Methods :
(1)Wash and soack the dried white fungus until it is enlarge and soft
(2)Rinse dried longans
(3)Remove seeds from red dates
(4)Clean the red dates
(5)Wash the spring chicken and put it into boiling water for a few minutes
(6)Take the spring chicken out and drain until no water is remained on it
(7)Put all ingredients into a stew pot and stew for 2 - 3 hours
(8)Ready to serve in pot

Sunday, October 03, 2010

As we all know, all living things born once, die once.
Out of all possibilities, why do cats can live 9 times? Or have 9 lives?
Is it a rumour, a saying or a believe?

Most animals have built-in sense of alertness around their surroundings especially the prey trying to evade themselves from the predators. Among domestic animals, cat is the most reliant upon alertness, inheriting from their ancestors characteristics, dexterous, agile and instant reflexes, the wild cat. Even the dog seldom maintains quite the same razor-sharp alertness. The dogs' ability is its stamina, cooperation with its fellows, canine and human.

The cat's combination of caution, agility and rapid reaction to emergency has become part of our myth. The myth prevails, no matter how dangerous a cat is placed on a situation could possibly be, the cat will somehow find its way out if there is a way of surviving.

Cutting your fingers would hurt you...
Cutting your legs would have hurt you even more...
Infact, cutting any part of the body will definitely hurt you
Have you ever wonder why it does not hurt when you have a haircut?
It is still a part of your body...But it doesn't hurt

Almost your whole body is covered with hair, some of it is noticeable others is barely visible to the naked eye. Hair grows around 5 million follicles, about 100,000 are in the scalp. As the hair emerges from within a follicle, it is already dead and no shampoo or any treatment would revive it.

Scalp hairs grows about 12 to 15 cm in a year. The hair keeps growing and growing, even it is dead because the older dead hair cells are pushed out by the new hair growth. That is the reason why cutting the dead hair would not hurt but pulling the hair from the roots would make you cry.

Note : Everytime you comb your hair, you may remove about 100 hairs. This is very common and is no case to worry unless it gets excessive.

The word garlic...
Some people fear by just thinking of the name itself
Some people fear the smell of it
Some people would never eat it a second time
Is garlic so fearsome?

Well, here's some fact that you should know

Garlic is a relative to the onion and a member of the lily family. Garlic has been rated for its medical properties which have been confirmed by Western researches. The oils contain numerous complex sulphur compounds and it is proven to be a powerful antibiotic and antiseptic. People find it that it has significant effects as a defense against the colds, for diarrhoea or nausea and to soothe a sore throat. It can also bring down the cholesterol levels and reduce high blood pressure.

If you have some of the symptoms, do not hesitate to try the mysterious yet magical wonder food 'Garlic'.

Note : It can be eaten raw. Caution, try a tiny bit first if you have never eaten raw garlics as it might cause discomforts around the stomach.

Yam Potato Kuih

You must have(ingredients) :
1/2 pound of potatoes
1/2 pound of yam
2 tblsp of sugar

Method :
(1)Peel off the yam skin
(2)Clean & cut into thin slices and steam for 10 minutes or more till soft
(3)Peel off the potatoes' skin
(4)Clean & cut into small cubes, put into a pot of hot water and boil till soft with low fire
(5)Drain the yam and potatoes separately, leaving next to no water surrounded
(6)Mash and mix well with sugar separately
(7)Pour 1 layer of potatoes onto a clean steel plate, pour another layer of yam onto the layer of potato. Arrangement can be vice-versa
(8)Ready to serve with salad cream

Saturday, October 02, 2010

Crispy Potato Balls

You must have(ingredients) :
1 pound of potatoes
4 ounces of flour
(seasonings) :
4 tblsp of cooking oil
2 tsp of salt
1 tsp of monosodium glutamade(Ajinomoto)

Method :
(1)Peel off the potatoes' skin
(2)Clean & cut into 1/2
(3)Put the potatoes into a pot of hot water and boil until it is soft with low fire
(4)Take out & put the potatoes in a big bowl, mash it, add some salt, monosodium glutamade and flour, mix it well
(5)Heat up the cooking oil and turn it to low fire
(6)Turn the mashed potatoes into small round balls with fingers or teaspoons
(7)Put it into the heated oil & deep fried until it turns golden brown
(8)Ready to serve with tomato or chilli sauce

Ever thought of being to somewhere where you have actually never been?
Doing something which you have never done?
Sometimes it could be bad, sometimes it could be good,
You only realise when you are woke up from your sleep,
But have you release why do we have such dreams and nightmares?

Nothing is more complicated than the fantasies created in our dreams.
Some are fascinating, with all the joy, happiness and romance. We wake up sorry to find out that we have been dreaming. Aw...

Some dreams are so bizzare that we are astounded: people appear who have been out of our thoughts for years, decades become scrambled and we do things we would never dare to do in real life.

Other kind of dream solves a problem. We get the answer to a complicated task or some difficulty in solving puzzles. We can locate the lost object. The answer comes like a miracle out of nowhere and we remember it delightedly when we wake up.

In another type of dream, we find ourselves in a hopeless situation such as you're trap in a bathroom and unable to get out, buses depart when we are desperate to catch it, but our legs won't function. To a certain degree farther, the unpleasant dream becomes a nightmare, from which a person may wake in shock, trembling with fear.

Studies have proven that some dreams are a form of wish-fulfillment which closely related to the deep emotional reaction of a person. A dream is often presented in disguised form.

Dreams are an extension of daytime consciousness, a process which absorbs the ideas, feelings and mental impressions from a variety of sources during our waking hours. Strange and unexplainable events take place in dreams because the conscious mind of the day is sleeping. The actions in our mind that control during the waking hours are left to run freely.

Have you experience true nightmares once or more in a year? It is because a person have experience real tragedies in real life such as car accidents or death of a close relative. In other words, those people who do alot of creative works tend to have more nightmare than others.

Researches record the brain's electrical impulses, such that we know dreams take place during rapid eye movement(REM).If you notice a person's eyes rolling from left to right and vice versa while they are sleeping, then you may know that the person is currently dreaming.

What is REM? During REM, the brain is super-duper active. People that woke up during an REM phase often remember the dreams in detail very well. This explains why we could recall some dreams and not others.

Do you know who spends more time in REM sleep? The baby, and so do the people who have suffered head injury. REM recorded during the baby's sleep shows a particular pattern that pinpoint the child's personality.

Having a dream constantly is a good thing because it stimulates the cells within the brain to function efficiently.

Notes : Inception is a movie that explains the process how a dream within a dream in another dream takes place.

Friday, October 01, 2010

Carrot(Name in Malay : Lobak Merah/ Name in Cantonese : Hong Lo Bak)

Its benefits :
(a)Can be eaten raw to lower blood cholesterol
(b)Lowers the risk of various cancers such as breast, colon, cervix, larnyx, lung, bladder and prostate.

Due to its strong antioxidant content, it also contributes to reducing heart diseases. It contains protein, fibre, beta-carotene, calcium, vitamin E, vitamin C and iron.

Cauliflower(Name in Malay : Bunga Kubis/ Name in Cantonese : Pau Choy Fa)

Its benefits :
(a)Lowers the risk of cancer of the colon, lungs and breast
(b)Reduces risk of heart diseases
(c)Reduces risk of cataracts

It contains various vitamins and minerals such as proteins, fibre, beta-carotene, folic acid, calcium, iron, vitamin C, vitamin E, potassium and zinc.

Due to its high antioxidant content, it is truly a health-giving vegetable.

You laugh, I laugh ;d
They laugh, We laugh :D

People say "An apple a day keeps a doctor away"
But for me, you don't need an apple because laughter is the best medicine.


The mind has an enormous influence over our health.
Doctors' casebook are full of examples of patients whose illness came from general depression.
When a healthy person receives bad news, is understandably upset and before long complains of being 'run down'. One British shows that chronic diseases among the unemployed is six times as high as among those at work.

The body reacts to mental stress by producing more cortisol and adrenaline.
These hormones increase the heart rate and blood pressure, improving our performance so that we can perform more efficiently. Too much stress overstimulates the hormone production, causing us to become less efficient. That is the reason why some people faced with life-threatening crisis find themselves unable to act rationally.

Laughter triggers nerves in the brain to start a chain of reactions. The body's endocrine system secretes natural painkillers and tranquillisers. Other substances aid digestion and the arteries relax to improve the blood flow.

There is no doctor would say that laughter will cure all kinds of diseases, but there is no doubt a laughter does bring us all a power of good.
Hello people, this is now my official blog. My previous blog contents which is will all be moved to this current blog. From this onwards, I will post relevant content and information to share with all of you ranging from technical computer subjects to practical general knowledge. Wish you all having a good time here.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Today I felt something,
I felt weird,
At first, it felt good and everything was normal,
But then I think again,
Thinking of something which I thought I would obtain,
But then again,
I think...
How good it is if it is true?
The feelings are bothering me.
I don't know why and I couldn't control it,
Each and everytime I think of it, I will have that unpleasant feeling,
It is not something bad,
But it is something which words can't be described.
It is deep within you,
Only you would know and feel it,
No one else could...
Hear it,
See it,
Feel it.
It makes you feel cold,
It makes you want it,
So desperately.
You know you can do it,
But there is a barrier,
Blocking you from reaching it.
You felt like a blunt knife pokes to your heart,
It's not sharp,
For some reason, it is blunt.
No words can described it...

It's feelings.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Finally, its good to be back! Thks for all the comments and support.
Seems like there is a request to discuss about jealousy. Ok, lets see if I could give you some good ideas to solve your problems. Anyway, here it comes.

Topic today : Jealousy

Why do we feel jealous?
When do we feel it?
You will only feel it when you envy someone...over something
You are unsatisfied...
You feel that you should have it...
Because you have worked hard for it...
But why?
Why not mine?
Why it falls into his/her hands?
You feel angry...
But you don't show it
You act as nothing happened
But deep inside you
You just could not forget it
You feel yr heart is boiling in anger
You imagined how good it is if it falls into your hands
You dream the good things that will happen
But you realise that is just a dream
You feel like want this dream to continue forever
But the fact is dreams are just dreams
You have to face the facts
You have to move on
You are still...U.N.S.A.T.I.S.F.I.E.D
You might feel depressed
You might lost appetite
You will have no more self-motivation
You feel like giving up
You are not happy.
You might tell yourself I can be better next time!(Yes you can if you think like this)
You might hate the person that get what you belong(No, hate is self torturing, don't do this)
You might plot up a revenge(This is the worst and silliest act if you plan to do so. It won't get you any further, you are wasting your time. At the end, you will be back to square one)

So guys and gals,
Do you think jealousy is good?
It is good if you use jealousy as an obstacle for you to overcome
But it is not if you plan to use it for the wrong intention
Think wise, act wise.


Friday, May 28, 2010

I am back to continue my blogging to share my thoughts to my fans...HaHaHa

Please suggest me any topics to discuss or you are interested coz I run out of topics...LOL!!!

In this post, I will talk about love and romance
Well, if you compare both of the words, they are almost similar,
In fact, they carry the same meaning
However, many adolescence these days do not know the true meaning behind it

They are mostly consumed by the outer beauty of their partner,
Many have mistaken that outer beauty is true love,
The beauty that we see in first sight, we call it true love,
Well, but I call it...lust
Do not judge a book by its cover

That is why the reason we often see and do not see...
Females going for abortion
Couples break up and took lots of time to recover what they had lost
The break-up couples especially the victim carries the most pain

When we talk about love and romance,
It is not childs' play
It is where ones' future hold
It is not a desire
It is not fun
It is sharing, caring
It is take and give
It is patience
It is sacrifice

For one that truly understands this passage
Congratulations!!! You are matured
For others
Sadly but yes, you need to grow up

You do not have to feel needy,
You do not have to envy the others,
You do not have to show others

The one will always be waiting for you out there somewhere
It just that you have not met, but it does not mean you do not have
I believe everyone has
It is just it does not appear in time, but soon and nearly
Patience is the key to success
You just have to wait and see =)

Monday, April 26, 2010

I first met a girl,
At first sight I thought she is the one,
The one for me,
We could get along very well,
We can change the sad things to happy things,
That was so perfect,
Like everything was planned,
She went to somewhere far away,
Because her parents moved,
So she followed them,
Living together with them...
We feel like we being tied to rope,
The rope so short,
But it stretch and stretch until it is far apart,
We cannot see each other,
But we can feel each other...

There is another,
The one I met online,
We communicate through message,
Through voices,
Through videos,
But this,
She lives even far than the first one,
We seldom met,
But when we met,
We were very happy...
She exist as if she needs me,
But however,
We could hardly meet each other,

So near, yet so far and miserable...

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Thank you thank you to all my fans...hahaha

Today, we are going to talk about this topic whether you are stupid or smart.

You are stupid. I am smart. They are stupid. We are smart.
Some people are stupid but some people are smart.

Did you ever being called stupid or smart before? I guess everyone has been called by that once at least. But what is the real meaning of stupid? What is the real meaning of clever?

Sometimes you do things which made people call you stupid, while sometimes you do things which made people call you clever.

But in my dictionary, the word stupid and clever does not exist. Why?

It is not because he do not know how to do that thing then he is called as stupid...
It is not because he know how to do that thing then he is called as clever...

I believe,
EVERYONE in this world is equal...
Equal in the sense that each of us has been given a special talent which hide in ourselves

He do not know how to cook, he is stupid...
He do know how to dance, he is clever...
The above statement is utterly rubbish

It is not because he do not cook, it is because he has not find his true talent within his soul

We see some people are so famous, some are so rich, some are so poor...Why?
Is it because the rich one are more clever?
Is it because the poor one are more stupid?

It is because the rich one have found their special talent in themself and that is why they shine out
It is because the poor one have not yet find their special talent in themself and that is why they do not shine

Everyone is the same
Everyone has a special talent
Beggar, Taxi Driver, Gangster, Lawyer, Professor... Just anyone!

Today you cannot be a rockstar
Tomorrow you will be a singer
If a singer does not suit you, you might be the next top 10 american idol!

Do not despise yourself and think that you are stupid because you cannot do something
Do not envy others and think that they are clever because they can do something
Because they found their talent but you have not

It is hard to find one's talent in themselves
If one keeps finding it
No matter how big is the hay stack
You will eventually find the needle
Nothing is impossible

Believe me
You will be someone someday and you will remember the words I said

Yesterday I was unwise,
Today I learnt,
Tomorrow I will be someone.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Thanx for the comments, it kept me motivated to continue my blogging
Today, we are going to discuss about HEALTH

What is health basically...
Some might say it is life,
Others say it is something very valuable...
But how valuable it is?
What say YOU?

Health is not something you can buy with money
Health is not something you can exchange with
Health is a result you gain from long-term

Some people have plenty of wealth, but they neglect their health
Because they did not realise that health is the more important one
Some people have less wealth, but they take care of their health
Why is that?
Is it because of the wealthier one thinks that wealth is everything?
Is it because they think that wealth is more important?

But I think,
One can still live without wealth, but one can't without health

Why am I writing this?
Why do I even care if which is more important?
Because I was once bitten, but I went twice shy

On a bright sunny sunday, everything was fine until...
I once entered the darkest days of my life that I thought I could not make it...
I struggled through the levels of hell like there was no hope to turn back I once was
Fortunately, something happened...
Maybe because I prayed hard, because I did not given up yet...
God gaved me a second chance to live... I ought to thank Him

Guys and gals,
We never learn if we do not fall
I fell once, and I tell you now
Because I do not want history to repeat on others

Eat more fruits and vegetables
Drink less cold and carbonated drinks
Try to touch less fried and oily food

Do cherish your life and you may live longer happily ever after!

Friday, March 19, 2010

This is my first time posting on my blog although it was created a few years ago.
First, I would like to introduce my self.
I am a human being...just like others...
I might be the 1,000,000th one or maybe the 1,000,000,000th...
But heck cares
We are still human being no matter where, what, who we are
All of us have been given a chance to live in this world, to see the beautiful nature of mother earth
We are given a chance, an opportunity, a destiny...
There were many opportunities, but we have to choose
There were many paths we have to walk
To reach our destiny...
Each of us chose different paths...leading to our destiny
One may see the destiny is near and clear...but others may see it is far and blur
No matter what, we have choosen the path...we have to walk to the reveal the mysterious gift.

There is a saying:

"Yesterday was history
Today is a gift
Tomorrow is mystery"

A blink of an eye, I'm already 18.
So sudden that I thought yesterday was 12...
Time and tide wait for no man
Life is short...
Just like a candle...
When will the candle's flame burn off?
How fast the candle's flame is burnin off?
These are the doubts
How many 10 more years can I live?
Time is flying away...
I cannot afford to let them just merely go away
I ought to do something
Something I have never done in my life
Something special...something no one else has done
We have dreams
But can we fulfill them?
Or they are just dreams...
People said dreams are the opposite of reality
But I think I can turn dreams into reality
What am I supposed to do?
Do not fear...
There would not be a second step tommorow if we do not start it today
We have to act...quick
So, we have to start acting now before it is too late!!!

P/S:Sorry for poor english because this is my first attempt. Please leave down a comment. Thksalot.